

Do you have a business on the Internet that just doesn't seem to be making as much money as you had hoped it would?

Did you know that "how" you write your promotional or content based emails is a large determining factor as to whether someone takes the necessary action to click a link or buy a product?

Did you know that if you know what type of email you are about to write ahead of time, you can write it a certain way to allow you to write easy to read and exciting emails?

Are you just getting started and want to make sure that you aren't leaving any money on the table when you launch?

Would you like an easy and fast way to create more income WITHOUT having to generate more customers in the process?

How many sales do you usually make every time you send an email to your opt-in list?

Now remembering that number, how would you like to learn an easy method to double or even triple it? Because in the next 3 minutes, you are going to find out something shocking to help you make your emails so responsive that you never had seen before.

I'm willing to bet that you are.  After all, we all want to have more cash profits without having to generate additional buyers.

The good news is that there is a solution and you're going to get instant download access to it TODAY...

Introducing a copy, paste and send solution that will save 
Your Hours of Time & Trouble!


 Let's face it, people want and demand: quality information.  And content creation can become one of the most boring and tedious jobs online, especially if you don't like to do it.  You can end up spending days, even weeks trying to come up with new material to use in your business... I know your pain.  So what do you do?

 I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase before from countless online “Gurus” and their followers: the money is in the list. And after you read the next few paragraphs I am 100% sure you’ll agree…

You see, having your own list should not even be an option when you own your own business – it should be a must!

Because if you don’t have your own targeted list of loyal subscribers you will always be stuck spending your hard earned money on advertising and relying on other people with lists to help sell your products in exchange for a hefty price in the form of 50% commissions.

But if you do have your own responsive list of loyal subscribers, you’ll have the power to sell your products without having to rely on others help.

Here are just some of the benefits of having your own list of loyal subscribers:

  • Independence: Again, you won’t have to beg others to send out mailings to their lists to help you out with selling your product.
  • More Profits: Every sale you make as a result of emailing your list will be 100% profit because you won’t have to pay any affiliates.
  • Taking advantage of other people’s products: you’ll be able to promote other people’s products to your list and get paid 50% commission on every sale you make!

But having your own list is more than just independence, profits and the ability to promote other people’s products. You will also be able to do market research and ask your subscribers what their like to see in your next product, easily get testimonials for your sales letter and spread the words about your upcoming offers and products.

So, if you are ready to take your online business to the next level and build a responsive list of loyal subscribers that you can mail to any time you like and generate sales from your shopping cart pretty much on demand.

Completely pre-written.  You don't have to write one single word and can enjoy the peace of mind knowing a professional copywriter crafted your messages from scratch!
You get full messages, spread across all  areas of an online business that are ready to roll for every faucet of your online business.  Just grab the sequence you need and you're off to the races.
Fully customizable.  Easy message is marked with tokens that show you where to enter things like your name, product name and e-mail address as well as dozens of other "personalized" tidbits to make each message truly unique and customized to you and your business!
100% Plug 'N Play.  Just pick the sequence you need for any aspect of your marketing process, customize it and pop it into place for a fast, effective and truly professional follow up system.

To get results bigger and faster - many would lead you to believe you need to be an online "guru" to get your list to love you.  Or you need to pay $12-$15 per article to get decent content you can use for your list.  Well that's simply not true.  I have the instant solution for you!  All you have to do is grab this package and copy and paste these emails into your autoresponder account! 

Just add in your own subscription form and go! 

Here Are Some Samples Of The Content

These are Pre-written Sets, Ready-to-Go Messages that you can use in the next 5 minutes to start earning larger affiliate commissions! I say they are ready in 5 minutes and I mean it... you only have to do ONE THING! Include your ClickBank & Amazon ID in these messages and they are ready to work hard for you!

 These copy and paste newsletters specifically go over...

  • You Welcome Letter

  • Hosting

  • FTP

  • An Easy to Use HTML Editor

  • Squeeze Pages

  • Sales Funnels

  • List Building

  • Auto-responders

  • OTO's

  • Blogging

  • Ad Swaps

  • Ad Tracking

  • SEO Basics

  • Facebook Marketing

  • Forum Marketing

  • How To Treat Your Subscribers

  • Twitter Marketing

  • Instant Commissions Networks

  • Master Resell Rights

  • Private Label Rights

  • Traffic Methods

  • How To Make Money With JV Giveaways

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Niche Marketing
  • Clickbank Basics

Each message has a specific job to do and they are created with the reader in mind. Their job is simple: Get clicks-through to the product site and pre-dispose the reader to ORDER NOW.

     First, each Subject Line has been crafted carefully to create curiosity and high open rates... then we get into the body of the messages...

1) ...The first Message in each set puts readers into an attentive state by building rapport, drawing them into the copy, introducing the product and communicating the BIG benefit of the product, suspending their skepticism long enough, to make them immensely curious so they click-through to the site to learn more ...

     But as we all know... sending a single message gets some sales, but over 60% of the real profits come from the 'follow-ups'. So I created 2 additional messages for each product being promoted, using a specific and proven successful method, that helps close even more sales for you automatically.

2) ...The second Message puts them into an attentive state by using Q&A's about the product and answers any objections they may have so that they are pre-disposed to order the product now that their questions are answered...

3) ...The third Message puts them into a attentive state by using bullet points to drive home important benefits so they click-through to order immediately...

     The copy in each message series is CAREFULLY CRAFTED for MAXIMUM DESIRED RESPONSE and ENGAGING! Your subscribers will love them and ACT ON them.


You are going to get...

  • Best Newsletters To Cover Your Publishing For Years - You are going to receive 100 issues of your very own Internet Marketing newsletter to publish as often as you want. You can publish every week for two full years, every two weeks for 4 years and if you publish monthly for 8 full years, yes 8 full years!
  • High Quality Content - This content is top notch and written by high caliber writers that know Internet marketing inside and out so you can be sure that your subscribers will be wowed with every issue!
  • Perfectly Formatted - Each piece of content will be wrapped at 65 characters a line for the most attractive and easy to read format possible which will create an image of professionalism with your readers!
  • Quick Copy & Paste Setup - These are ready to be published and served your subscribers instantly. All you have to do is copy and paste them into your mailing software or auto responder and you're done!
  • Extreme Variety - You're not just getting a bunch of "general marketing articles" here. These are extremely targeted, specifically actionable articles on things like e-mail marketing, blogs, search engine optimization, using audio & video for profit, etc. You can rest assured that you will be able to serve everyone that is interested in Internet Marketing, or making money online!
  • Peace Of Mind - These newsletters will give you peace of mind knowing that all of your newsletter tasks are taken care of for years and completely automated leaving you to spend your time however you want!
  • Profitable Information You Can Use Yourself! - On top of all the excellent benefits of this incredible newsletter collection, you can also read all of them profit from the tactics shared in them so you can increase your profits even further! These newsletters are like a full blown "Encyclopedia on Internet Marketing" and cover everything that can make you money.

"Discover The Hidden Secrets To Writing Super-Responsive,
Profit-Pulling Emails That Instantly Increase Your Sales Ten-Fold!"

   ..Without Spending Months, Even Years Building Your List!  

 Just take a look at a few more benefits you get from using Professional Ready-To-Go Newsletters yourself...

Super Fast Implementation - You will never find a way of following up that's as easy as Ready-To-Go Newsletters.  You select the sequence that's right for the function of your business that you need follow up for and you just customize it and plug it in!  Nothing could be any easier!
Professional Copywriting Fees Already Paid! - You don't have to hire a pro copywriter and pay tens of thousands of dollars to them!  We've already done that for you saving you that huge expense!
Guaranteed Results - These messages are guaranteed to boost your profits or you pay nothing.  Nothing could be as simple, proven and guaranteed to work!


Crafting your online messages in a way that draws the reader into the copy using techniques like trance inducing language will create a massive increase in your conversions and sales. And if you're like most people online you just want to see results... you don't care about learning the intricacies and psychology of response generating copy techniques!



The Entire Video Series is Presented Using an Easy

Step-By-Step process that anyone can follow.

“Stop Wasting Time & Effort  For New Customers When Your Current Ones Can Make You Rich!”

Learn How To Generate Massive Cash Not By Pulling In New Prospects But To Keep Your Loyal Customers Close To You And Constantly Stuffing Cash Into Your Pockets! 

You will discover effective techniques that top marketers love to implement such as: 

* Tools needed to start off on your profitable list building endeavors!

* The main component of customer relations you'll need to know or your business will fall flat on its face

* Utilizing your list as your very own Public Relations team to announce new product launches!

* A special 'free gift' for your subscribers that is fun to read and makes them look forward to hearing from you!

* The system most marketers use to make sure their list is full of interested, hungry prospects and not freebie seekers!

* How you can still maximize your customer lists for extra profit juice even if your company is not Internet-based!

* A simple, effective way to discover if the product you're going to offer will be a mega success or mega flop

* Minor customer service boo-boos that will irritate and frustrate your prospects, and how to avoid such situations!

* Programs to help you discover if your email campaigns are a roaring success or more improvements are needed.

* The ultimate no-no of email marketing which could cause you to close shop almost instantly

* Combining email marketing and affiliate marketing for an explosion of cash into your accounts!

* Straightforward and effective methods of driving streams of targeted, hungry buyers right into those lists...

And much, much more!

Follow-Up Email Creator Pro


 "The easiest instant auto-pilot income generator on the Internet!"...

"How To Create Follow Up Emails For Any Product or Service in Minutes By Simply Copying and Pasting Information Into A
One-Page Template!"

 If you can copy information from a sales letter and paste that information into a template then you stand to make substantial auto-pilot cash with the tool you are about to find out about.

The product is called Follow-Up Email Creator Pro.

Here's How It Works...

Step 1. You read the questions and fill in the blanks with your answers. In some cases all you are doing is copying and pasting from your product's sales letter.

Step 2. You push the Create button.

Step 3. You view your newly created 21 follow up sales messages.

Step 4. You copy and paste your follow up sales messages to Notepad and make any adjustments. You could add additional language or just keep the messages the way they are.

Step 5. You load the messages into your auto-responder system.

That's it.

The total time to create 21 follow up email sales messages is between 15-30 minutes depending on how fast you can answer the questions.

Imagine how long it would take if you were to manually write all 21 follow up emails by hand.

Now here's some more stuff you could do with Follow-Up Email Creator Pro...

1. You could mix in articles in between your follow up series.

2. You could add value to ANY PLR product in a day or so by simply creating a series of follow up sales messages centered around the PLR product.

3. You could create follow up emails for ClickBank products and generate back-end sales with your auto-responder.

4. You could create follow up emails for resale rights products.... And on and on.

Automate My Emails

The Step-By-Step Video Tutorials To Writing Your Own Response-Pulling Emails!



Responsive Email Marketing Is the #1 Easiest Way To Boost Your Sales...

Yes, this is a simple secret that most amateur email marketers miss. So they waste their time trying to grow their list bigger and bigger - thinking it is the only way to increase their sales.


There are several basic concepts you need to understand before you get started with writing your emails. You'll also learn what tools you must have, and how to understand the purpose of writing your emails beforehand.

But the truth is, you can much more easily double your sales by writing a more responsive email rather than trying to double your number of subscribers.

Super Sign Up System

The Super Sign Up System was designed for the beginner in mind. Even if you've never set up your own squeeze page or built your list this step-by-step guide will tell you what to do! It doesn't get any easier!

Revealed information...

 How to set up digital delivery - when someone buys your one-time offer, you will want to deliver the download page to them. This guide will show you how to automatically send an email out to them with and without scripts!

How to set up your template system - there is a logical process in setting up this system. Get 1 component out of place and it can be a headache putting things together. Get it right from the start!

The raw PayPal button code - you will learn which parts of the PayPal code you need to edit. This will set the pricing, item name, the download location and more. Most importantly it will make sure YOU get paid!

How to create your web capture form - every single little step needed to create your first web capture form is illustrated for you. If you're a point-and-click, do this and do that kind of person, you won't miss a thing!

and much more..

Putting a system like this together can take several hours even for experienced marketers!

But your time is too precious to go through all the technical details. You're a marketer and you want to get straight down to business and start promoting your landing page and to build your list because that IS where the REAL money is.

Once you've got a good system like this set up and in place you're set for life! All you need is a small funnel of traffic with a high converting one-time offer system and the rest is history!

"But What's The Point?"

You might be thinking to yourself... why do I need to invest in the Super Sign Up System? Couldn't I just create my own squeeze page or invest in a set of opt-in templates?

Whilst you can buy 100s if not 1000s of templates designed to help you build your list the sad fact is that they just will not perform like the one in front of you. A lot of them are generic templates which were there to make a quick sale. However if you look at the landing pages above you will noticed how focused and well put together they are.

Not only do they encourage a sign up with every visitor, but you have a chance to make an up-sell early on that is directly related to the original free offer. Putting this together yourself can take some time, but why start from scratch when I've already done it for you?

Get Ready To Start Receiving Hordes
Of Traffic And HOT Subscribers Every Day!

Lead Generator Pro

Follow This Simple Step by Step Blueprint And Finally, Generate High Converting Qualified Leads That Businesses Will Be Begging To Buy From YOU!

This is a concise collection of in depth videos on how to create and build your own frenzy of viral sites, that don't go over just the basics like the ones out there today.

Yes It's True! Offline Businesses Will Wave Their Cash In Front Of You, Begging You For High Quality Leads!

5 Minute Lead Page Creator

Create A Responsive Lead Capture Page within 5 Minutes & Triple Your Sales

With Your Next Product Launch!

What is the potential of using this script....

You don't have a list.
This script is a perfect answer for you, in that now instead of sending them directly to your web page or an affiliate web page...

You set up a "Lead Capture Page" where they enter their name and email address and get the information on the subscribe page or in a confirmation email or both. Now you know who is interested and can email them as often as you need.
You don't have a product.
Excuse me! BUT, so what!

Ever heard of Re-Sell Rights or Master Resell Rights. You know buying something that you can now say is your own. You don't have to be the creator.

Just look around and see what's the hottest topic and then set up a "Lead Capture Page" for that product and then go find or get it.
You don't have any JV Partners.
Again... Excuse me! BUT, so what!

Ever heard of getting to know the person you would like to Joint Venture with.

Like joining their list or even their Affiliate Program.

I am sure that after them seeing your name so often on their list, forum or as an affiliate. They will indeed take the time to register as a JV Partner when the time comes around.

Just don't expect them to jump on board if you haven't given them a good reason too.

Money is not the only key to getting JV Partners. It is what you can offer them that compliments what they already promote and market to their list that will get their attention..
"5 Minute Lead Page Creator System" ensures the personal touch and you can email them anytime you want as long as it is relevant.
How many times can I set up the "5 Minute Lead Pg Creator System"?
As many times as your little heart desires and on as many domains you own as you like.

There are no limitations whatsoever!
What do I get with my "5 Minute Lead Pg Creator System"?

  • Template Page showing where you can customize.
  • PhP scripts for administering your Mysql Database.
  • Search for any member.
  • Mailing List Manager - Mail all members
  • Personalization for all outgoing email.
You will need to have access to your server to set up a mysql database and most hosts have php installed.

 Most of these products have a high payout range from 50%-75% with high conversions - so this really is a NO-Brainer!

And because they're going to be plugged into your auto-responder, you won't have to do anything! Your auto-responder will be working overtime and money will be coming your way! It's a simple case of plug 'N' play!

"Okay, Sounds Good But How Much Is This Profitable Investment Going To Be?"

How much is it worth to you to find out the insider secret to double your email promotions? Can you imagine right now how many more sales you can generate every single time you push the "Send" button this way?

By making this easy investment today, you are going to gain a powerful skill to boost sales with every email promotion you send from now own. So you'll make the money back once you send your first promotion!

The value is $4,500... but today $69 is
your only investment!


The main reason we have priced this BRAND NEW Pack

so low is so it is within everyone's reach.

You really have no excuses for not using these products to your Online Success.

Yeah, we know it's insane but since we are still building up our credibility and status on the internet our secret strategy is to provide HIGH quality products for crazy IRRESISTIBLE prices... so tell us your not tempted!

But before we move onto that let me just tell you that you're fully backed by a 60-day no fuss guarantee. We want you to try this first, make your money and then tell me you're not happy with it!

Your Investment Is Fully Backed By My 100% Satisfaction Iron-Clad Guarantee...

So order now and make your life changing investment because finally, you can now save thousands and acquire the skill of a professional copywriter, and create your own wealth in pursuit!

You get high-quality newsletters in this package. All you have to do is copy and paste them into your autoresponder and you're done! These are extremely targeted, specifically actionable articles on topics like e-mail marketing, blogs, search engine optimization, using audio & video for profit, etc.


Only at  $69.00 Today!
     No gimmicks - No hidden charges    

This newsletter package is brand new and has "never" been released before!

That gives you a huge and distinct advantage... because you will be one of the first to benefit from this brand new package!

To Your Success,

PS: Many newbies crash and burn just after a couple of months, weeks or days of marketing because they don't know how to keep their business expanding upwards. Don't be clueless and helpless like these guys... get your hands on this fast-track system to success and start building your online empire now!

PPS: Look, the sooner you order the “Ready-To-Go Newsletters” package the sooner you can be well on your way to building your very own money spitting, targeted responsive list of loyal subscribers that you can mail to any time you like! – So why not give the“Ready-To-Go Newsletters” package a 100% risk FREE try right now?

You can contact us by using customer online HelpDesk and knowledge base.


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ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.