Articles in this category I did not receive my product or a link to my purchases! The first thing to do is check your spam folders and white list any email from us! Do not worry! Your purchase is safe and guaranteed! If there is no email in your spam folder subm... My account is not working If your account is not working, please read the following important information before contacting our Support Team. Many times, the malfunction is due to a setting in your email application, and can b... I did not change any settings in my mail client, but outgoing mail stopped working. Why? There are a few possible reasons: 1. Your ISP closed the port your mail program was set to or you changed ISP and the new one does not permit outgoing email on that port. We generally recommend port 2... While sending messages, the emails stopped going out and I received the message about a "Timeout Limit". This is most often due to a low speed Internet connection in combination with large attachments or an email to a large number of recipients. Try sending out emails that are smaller and are addressed t... What happens if I get spam complaints? It is absolutely critical that we monitor and police the integrity of our IP addresses to ensure high deliverability for all of our customers. If just one sender is getting multiple spam complaints, t... How Do I Get My Leads Imported if you permit my list? You will need to send us a CSV file containing the following information: Email address Subscribers IP address Date Subscribed URL of the Subscriber Form After the test data is imported, re...